But, my original idea always was to be the supportive one in the party. So, I've been trying to make my Bishop more of an "attacker" so training by myself gets a little easier and stuff. Still, to this day, that's what I like to do the most, but I have no more friends playing, no sister playing, so I don't really have anyone to party with and to support. So I wanted to become a cleric to be a GOOD cleric and focus on healing and supporting others. Originally, I wanted to become a cleric because I loved PQing and clerics were always needed (specially in Ludi PQ) and most of them usually sucked: you relied on them to be healed but they were trying to kill Alishar by themselves with their little attack power and left everyone else to die. They are the perfect combo together (though it's hard to do still playing with two characters at the same time and I can't really go to bosses or stuff and help myself out xD) and they give me two options: to be strong and kill fast and relatively easily (Dark Knight) or to save money and to gain more exp and stuff like that. But, my favorites are still my Bishop and my Dark Knight. I'm more of a traditionalist and enjoy warriors and magicians more than anything else. I also don't like these weird hybrid or strange (for me) classes, like Xenon and Zero, hahaha. My most successful one has been a Phantom, but even though I at least survive playing that one (unlike my Night Lord, which goes to train and ends up losing % of exp since I die so much. I like some of the newer classes as well (Mercedes and Evan, for instance), I love most Explorer jobs, but I've found that I can't really play thieves of any kind. Now, that I've played almost every class (except a few of the newer ones), I still love my Bishop and my Dark Knight, and I'm loving my Paladin as she grows. I love Paladins more (and I also have a Paladin who I'm trying to get to level 200 soon), but my Dark Knight captivated me so much that it couldn't be just a helper for my cleric, and so they both became my "mains". So, I made my own Dark Knight and loved the class. So I made a cleric, which was another class I always wanted to try, and she became my main.īack in the day, it was pretty necessary for clerics to have a Dark Knight friend who would give them Hyper Body to be able to survive training at Master Death Teddies or stuff like that (at least, to train more easily and without dying so much), but I had no friends left who would actively play the game still. But then she quit for a long time and I didn't want the character I played with her to become higher level than her character, in case she ever wanted to come back, but I also didn't want to just quit the game.

My original main, the first character I ever made in MapleStory, was an I/L Archmage which I played along with my sister, who played a Bowmaster. I kinda have two mains, which I train as together as possible (using two computers, since they are different accounts): a Bishop and a Dark Knight.